
Ancient Protection Symbols from Around the World

protection symbols evil eye nazar

Discover the power of protection symbols from various cultures and their meanings. Explore these ancient and modern symbols to bring positive energy, ward off negativity, and create a safe and harmonious environment in your life.

Protection symbols have been a cornerstone of human belief systems and spiritual practices for thousands of years.

These powerful emblems offer a sense of security and peace of mind by warding off negative energies and providing divine protection.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the history, meaning, and use of various protection symbols from different cultures, helping you harness their spiritual power for your own well-being.


Ancient Protection Symbols and Their Origins

The use of protection symbols can be traced back to various ancient civilizations, each developing their own unique emblems to provide safety and ward off negative forces.

These symbols often held deep cultural and spiritual significance, with many transcending time and geographical boundaries.

Ancient Egyptian Protection Symbols

Ancient Egyptian culture is renowned for its rich mythology and numerous protection symbols. Some of the most prominent Egyptian symbols include:

  • Eye of Horus: A powerful symbol of protection, healing, and good health, believed to ward off evil spirits.

eye of horus

  • Evil Eye: A prominent amulet symbolizing protection from negative energies, malicious intent, and harmful influences, widely believed to deflect negativity and attract good fortune, prosperity, and well-being.

protection symbols evil eye nazar

  • Ankh: Represents eternal life and divine protection, often seen in ancient Egyptian art, architecture, and jewelry.
  • Scarab: Symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and protection against evil forces.

Celtic Protection Symbols

The Celts were known for their intricate knotwork and powerful symbols, many of which were used for protection purposes. Some notable Celtic symbols are:

  • Celtic Shield Knot: Symbolizes protection, as well as the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Triquetra: Represents the unity of mind, body, and spirit, believed to offer protection against evil forces.

Triquetra Necklace with Viking Runes

  • Celtic Cross: A symbol of faith and spiritual protection, often seen in Celtic artwork and monuments.

celtic cross necklace

Norse Protection Symbols

In Norse mythology, various runes and symbols were used for protection. Key Norse symbols include:

  • Algiz Rune: Represents both physical protection and spiritual growth.

viking rune algiz

  • Vegvísir: A Norse compass symbol, said to guide and protect travelers from getting lost, even in harsh conditions.

Viking symbols compass runic vegvisir

  • Aegishjalmur: Also known as the Helm of Awe, this symbol is believed to instill fear in enemies and provide protection in battle.


  • Mjolnir: A potent emblem representing Thor’s hammer in Norse mythology, symbolizing protection, strength, and divine power, often used to ward off evil and bring courage and fortitude to the bearer.



Chinese Protection Symbols

Ancient Chinese culture also employed protection symbols to ensure safety and prosperity. Some significant Chinese symbols are:

  • Fu Symbol: Represents good fortune and happiness, often displayed on doors and entryways to protect homes from negative energy.
  • Yin Yang: Symbolizes balance and harmony, with its interconnected parts representing complementary forces in life that bring protection and prosperity.
  • Double Happiness: A symbol of love, happiness, and marital bliss, believed to attract positive energy and protect relationships.

Native American Protection Symbols

Many Native American tribes utilized symbols for protection and spiritual guidance. Some prominent Native American symbols include:

  • Medicine Wheel: Represents balance, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things, often used as a symbol of protection.
  • Thunderbird: A powerful mythical creature, symbolizes divine power and protection from evil forces.
  • Bear: A symbol of strength, courage, and protection, often seen in Native American artwork and spiritual practices.

BEAR PAW symbol necklace pendant

  • Arrow Symbol: A multifaceted symbol embodying resilience, concentration, and advancement, frequently utilized to shield against adverse forces and promote self-improvement and progression.

Bronze Arrowhead Necklace

These ancient protection symbols and their origins showcase the rich cultural and spiritual history of human civilization, highlighting our shared desire for safety and well-being throughout the ages.

Greek Protection Symbols

Ancient Greek culture is known for its rich mythology and powerful symbols, many of which were used for protection and guidance. Some of the most significant Greek protection symbols include:

  • Gorgoneion: A depiction of the Gorgon Medusa’s head, often used as an apotropaic symbol to ward off evil and protect homes and temples.
  • Meadow Saffron: Also known as the Colchicum autumnale, this plant was believed to have protective properties against evil spirits and negative energies.
  • Labrys: A double-headed axe, a symbol of divine power and protection, often associated with the Minoan civilization and later adopted by the ancient Greeks.

Hindu Protection Symbols

Hinduism, one of the oldest religions in the world, also incorporates various protection symbols in its rituals and practices. Some of the key Hindu protection symbols are:

  • Om: A sacred sound and symbol representing the connection between the physical and spiritual realms, believed to have healing and protective powers.
  • Swastika: A symbol of prosperity, good luck, and protection, often used in Hindu rituals and ceremonies.


  • Shri Yantra: A sacred geometry symbol representing the universe and divine power, used for meditation and protection against negative energies.

Slavic Protection Symbols

Slavic mythology and culture feature numerous symbols and talismans that were used for protection and guidance. Some important Slavic protection symbols include:

  • Lada’s Cross: A symbol of the Slavic goddess Lada, representing love, harmony, and protection.
  • Perun’s Axe: A symbol of the Slavic god Perun, associated with thunder and lightning, symbolizing divine power and protection against evil forces.

Viking Axe Necklace

  • Kolovrat: A symbol of the Sun, representing the eternal cycle of life, often used for protection and to promote positive energy.

By examining the diverse range of ancient protection symbols from various cultures and their origins, we can gain a deeper understanding of our shared human history and the universal desire for safety and well-being.

These symbols continue to hold significance in modern times, with many people incorporating them into their daily lives for protection and spiritual guidance.

Using Protection Symbols in Daily Life

Protective Jewelry and Accessories

Protective jewelry and accessories have been popular throughout history and across various cultures, serving as both beautiful adornments and powerful symbols of protection.

These pieces often feature intricate designs and are made from materials believed to possess protective properties.

Here are some examples of protective jewelry and accessories that are commonly used today:

Gemstone Jewelry

Certain gemstones are believed to possess protective and healing properties. Wearing gemstone jewelry can help to harness these energies and keep them close to the wearer. Some popular protective gemstones include:

  • Black Tourmaline: Known for its grounding and protective properties, black tourmaline is believed to shield against negative energies and electromagnetic radiation.
  • Amethyst: A powerful protection stone, amethyst is thought to guard against psychic attacks, clear negative energy, and promote spiritual growth.
  • Tiger’s Eye: This stone is believed to protect against ill wishes, enhance personal power, and bring good luck.

Rune Jewelry

Runes are ancient symbols with deep spiritual significance, often associated with Norse mythology. Wearing rune jewelry can serve as a reminder of the protective energies associated with these symbols. Some popular protective runes that are commonly found in jewelry include:

  • Algiz: Represents protection, spiritual growth, and guidance.
  • Inguz: Symbolizes new beginnings, protection, and personal growth.
  • Tiwaz: Represents courage, strength, and victory.

tiwaz rune viking bracelet

Sacred Geometry Jewelry

Sacred geometry is the study of shapes and patterns believed to hold spiritual and symbolic significance. Wearing sacred geometry jewelry can help to harness the protective and healing energies associated with these shapes. Some popular examples include:

  • Flower of Life: Represents the interconnectedness of all things and is believed to promote harmony, balance, and protection.
  • Seed of Life: Symbolizes creation and new beginnings, often used for protection and spiritual growth.
  • Metatron’s Cube: A powerful symbol of protection, balance, and divine energy.

Talismanic Jewelry

Talismans are objects believed to possess magical or supernatural powers, often used for protection or good luck. Wearing talismanic jewelry can help to keep these protective energies close to the wearer. Some examples include:

  • Evil Eye: A protective amulet often found in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures, believed to ward off the evil eye and negative energies.
  • Hamsa Hand: A popular symbol in many Middle Eastern and North African cultures, representing protection, good fortune, and happiness.
  • Cross: A symbol of faith and spiritual protection in Christianity, often worn as a pendant or incorporated into other jewelry designs.

Protective Symbols in Accessories

In addition to jewelry, many protective symbols can be found in various accessories, such as bags, scarves, and keychains. Carrying these items can serve as a reminder of the protective energies associated with the symbols and help to attract positive energy. Examples include:

  • Celtic Knot: Often found in accessories like bags and scarves, this intricate symbol represents protection, unity, and the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Mandala: A spiritual symbol representing the universe, often used for meditation and protection against negative energies, can be found on scarves, bags, and other accessories.
  • Om: A sacred sound and symbol in Hinduism, believed to have healing and protective powers, often incorporated into keychains, bags, and other accessories.


Wearing protective jewelry and accessories not only serves as a beautiful and meaningful adornment but also helps to harness the powerful protective energies associated with these symbols, providing comfort and guidance in daily life.

Viking Keychain

Incorporating Protection Symbols into Home Decor

Incorporating protection symbols into your home decor is an excellent way to create a sense of safety, well-being, and positive energy in your living space.

By using these symbols in your interior design, you can surround yourself with protective energies and create a harmonious and nurturing environment. Here are some ideas for integrating protection symbols into your home decor:

Wall Art and Hangings

Displaying protection symbols as wall art or hangings is a simple yet effective way to bring their positive energy into your home. Consider incorporating the following ideas:

  • Mandala art: Hang mandala paintings or tapestries on your walls to promote balance, harmony, and protection from negative energies.
  • Hamsa Hand: Display a Hamsa Hand wall hanging or painting in your entryway, living room, or bedroom to protect against the evil eye and attract good fortune.
  • Dreamcatchers: Place a dreamcatcher above your bed to protect against negative dreams and energies while you sleep.


Sculptures and Figurines

Adding sculptures or figurines that feature protective symbols to your living space can serve as both decorative elements and powerful reminders of the protective energies they represent. Some ideas include:

  • Buddha statues: Place a Buddha statue in your meditation corner or living room to promote peace, protection, and spiritual growth.
  • Ganesha figurines: Display a Ganesha figurine, the Hindu god of wisdom and success, to remove obstacles and bring protection and good fortune.

Ganesha figurine

  • Guardian angels: Incorporate angel sculptures or figurines in your home to symbolize divine protection and guidance.

Decorative Accessories

Integrating protection symbols into your decorative accessories is a subtle and stylish way to bring their positive energy into your home. Consider using:

  • Evil Eye: Incorporate evil eye motifs in throw pillows, rugs, or glass ornaments to ward off negativity and protect your home.
  • Celtic Knot: Use Celtic knot designs in your textiles, such as bedding, curtains, or table linens, to promote unity, protection, and interconnectedness.
  • Tree of Life: Add the Tree of Life symbol to coasters, trivets, or wall plaques to represent growth, protection, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Door and Window Decor

Protecting the entrances and exits of your home is essential for creating a sense of safety and well-being. Incorporate protection symbols in your door and window decor with these ideas:

  • Mezuzah: Place a mezuzah, a small case containing a scroll with Hebrew verses, on the doorposts of your home to symbolize divine protection and blessing.
  • Wind chimes: Hang wind chimes with protective symbols, such as Om or the Tree of Life, near your doors or windows to promote positive energy and ward off negative vibrations.
  • Stained glass: Use stained glass panels featuring protective symbols, like the Hamsa Hand or Celtic Knot, in your windows to attract positive energy and create a beautiful play of light in your home.

Incorporating protection symbols into your home decor not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your living space but also creates a nurturing and safe environment filled with positive energy. By surrounding yourself with these symbols, you can promote a sense of well-being, protection, and harmony in your everyday life.

Top 15 Universal Protection Symbols and Their Meanings

Here is a list of 10 widely recognized protection symbols from various cultures and spiritual practices, along with their meanings and protective qualities:

  1. Hamsa Hand: A symbol of protection against the evil eye, believed to bring good fortune and happiness.
  2. Evil Eye: A powerful protective emblem used to ward off negative energies and prevent harm.
  3. Eye of Horus: An ancient Egyptian symbol representing protection, royal power, and good health.
  4. Pentacle: A Wiccan symbol representing the balance of the elements and spiritual life force, often used as a protective talisman.
  5. Celtic Shield Knot: A universal symbol of protection, believed to ward off evil forces and bring good luck.
  6. Ankh: An ancient Egyptian symbol representing eternal life and divine protection.
  7. Arrow Symbol: A versatile symbol representing strength, focus, and forward movement, often used for protection against negative energies and to encourage personal growth and progress.
  8. Om Symbol: A sacred sound and symbol representing the connection between the physical and spiritual realms, believed to have healing and protective powers.
  9. Solar Cross: A Norse symbol representing the life-giving power of the sun, used to ward off evil spirits and negative energies.
  10. Algiz Rune: A powerful Norse protection symbol, representing both physical protection and spiritual growth.
  11. Helm of Awe: An ancient Norse symbol used to instill fear in enemies and protect the wearer from harm, both physical and magical.
  12. Vegvisir: A Norse compass symbol believed to provide guidance and protection during travels, ensuring that one never loses their way.
  13. Triskelion: A Celtic symbol representing the unity of mind, body, and spirit, often used as a protective charm and for personal growth.
  14. Triquetra: A Celtic knot symbolizing the interconnectedness of the three realms—earth, sea, and sky—often used for protection and spiritual guidance.
  15. Celtic Shield Knot: A variation of the shield knot, this symbol is composed of interwoven lines forming a square or circle, representing the four elements and used for protection and warding off negative energies.

These powerful protection symbols have been used throughout history and across cultures to safeguard against negative energies, provide guidance, and promote personal growth.

Final Fhoughts

In the tapestry of human history, protection symbols have emerged as vibrant threads, intricately woven into our collective consciousness.

They are powerful anchors, rooted in our innate desire for safety, and transcending cultural, religious, and geographical boundaries.

These symbols not only embody our fears but also our hopes, aspirations, and resilience. Like silent guardians, they act as reminders of our shared heritage and interconnectedness in the face of adversity.

Ultimately, protection symbols are beacons of light, guiding us through the darkest corners of our psyche and illuminating the unwavering strength of the human spirit.

Let us continue to honor and cherish these ancient symbols, for they empower us to face the unknown with courage and grace.

See also:

Strength Runes: An In-depth Exploration

35 Inspiring Symbols of Growth: Unleash Your Inner Potential

33 Powerful Symbols of Strength From Around The World

32 Symbols of Rebirth: Inspiring Signs of Change and Growth

30 Powerful Symbols of Resilience from Across the Globe: Norse, Celtic, and Beyond

10 Symbols of Hope: Unveiling the Power of Inspiration