
Ingwaz Rune: The Key to Unlocking Your Inner Strength

ingwaz rune

Welcome, my friends, to the mystical and wondrous world of the Ingwaz Rune! If you’re someone who is interested in ancient symbols and their meanings, then you’ve come to the right place.

The Ingwaz Rune is an ancient symbol with deep significance in Norse mythology and has been used for centuries in spiritual practices such as divination, meditation, and magic.

In this post, we’ll explore the meaning and symbolism of the Ingwaz Rune and show you how you can incorporate it into your own spiritual practices and personal growth journey.

So if you’re ready to tap into the power of this ancient symbol and discover the wisdom it holds, then let’s begin our journey together.


Explanation of Ingwaz Rune

Ingwaz Rune, also known as Inguz Rune, is a symbol in the Elder Futhark runic alphabet that originated in Germanic languages.

This rune is associated with the god Ing, who was worshipped as a deity of fertility and prosperity in Norse mythology.

God ing

God Ing, old Norse Yngvi

In terms of its meaning, Ingwaz Rune is often associated with the idea of new beginnings, growth, and potential.

It is believed to represent the masculine energy of the universe, as well as the power of creative forces and the ability to manifest one’s desires.

The rune is also associated with the concept of fertility and regeneration, both in terms of physical and spiritual growth.

The symbolism of the Ingwaz Rune can be seen in the myths and legends of Norse mythology.

In particular, the god Ing, who the rune is associated with, is said to have brought fertility and abundance to the land through his actions.

He is often depicted as a powerful and virile figure, associated with the cycle of the seasons and the growth of crops.

Importance of Ingwaz Rune in Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology, the Ingwaz Rune is considered to be an important symbol of fertility, prosperity, and new beginnings.

The rune is closely associated with the god Ing, who was revered by ancient Norse people as a deity of fertility, agriculture, and prosperity.

One of the most well-known stories involving Ing is the tale of his journey to the land of the gods, where he was said to have brought with him the blessings of fertility and abundance.

According to the story, Ing was able to bring fertility to the land by teaching the people how to cultivate crops, raise livestock, and prosper.

In Norse mythology, the power of Ingwaz Rune is believed to be closely tied to the idea of the cycle of life and death.

The symbol represents the idea of new beginnings and fresh starts, as well as the potential for growth and prosperity.

It is also associated with the concept of regeneration, as the seed of new life must first die in order to grow into something new and vibrant.

The Ingwaz Rune is also believed to be a symbol of masculine energy and the power of the divine masculine.

This is reflected in the mythology surrounding Ing, who was a powerful and virile figure associated with the forces of nature and the cycle of the seasons.


History of Ingwaz Rune

Origins and Etymology of Ingwaz Rune

The origins and etymology of the Ingwaz Rune can be traced back to the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet used by Germanic peoples in the early medieval period.

The word “futhark” is derived from the first six letters of the runic alphabet, which were F, U, TH, A, R, and K.

The Ingwaz Rune is the 22nd rune in the Elder Futhark alphabet and is also known as the Inguz Rune.

norse runes

Norse Alphabet

The name “Inguz” is believed to be derived from the Old Norse word “Yngvi” which was the name of a god of fertility and prosperity in Norse mythology.

The shape of the Ingwaz Rune is often described as a diamond shape with an x-shaped design in the center.

Some interpretations of the rune suggest that the shape represents the seed of new life or the idea of potential, while others see the diamond shape as representing the feminine principle and the x-shaped design as representing the masculine principle.

The meaning of the Ingwaz Rune is closely tied to the mythology surrounding the god Ing.

In Norse mythology, Ing was associated with the cycles of nature, the growth of crops, and the concept of fertility.

The Ingwaz Rune was believed to embody the power and potential of the god Ing and was used in magical and spiritual practices to evoke his blessings and guidance.

In terms of pronunciation, the Ingwaz Rune is typically pronounced as “ing-wahz” or “ing-ooz” in modern contexts.

However, it is important to note that the pronunciation of the rune may have varied depending on the time period and location in which it was used.


Ingwaz Rune Meaning and Symbolism

It is a powerful rune with deep meaning and rich symbolism in Norse mythology and magical practice.

Let’s explore now explore the meaning and symbolism of the Ingwaz Rune, its divinatory meaning and symbolic interpretation, as well as its significance in modern times.

Divinatory Meaning of Ingwaz Rune

The Ingwaz Rune is closely associated with new beginnings, growth, and potential. In a divinatory context, the rune often indicates that a period of growth and development is on the horizon, whether that be in the form of a new project, relationship, or personal transformation.

When the Ingwaz Rune appears in a reading, it can suggest that it is time to take action and move forward with your plans. It may indicate that the timing is right for new opportunities to arise, and that you should be prepared to embrace them when they do.

At the same time, the Ingwaz Rune also reminds us to be patient and nurturing with ourselves and our ideas. Like a seed that requires time and care to grow, our dreams and aspirations also need time and attention to come to fruition.

The Ingwaz Rune encourages us to trust in the natural cycles of growth and change, and to be patient and persistent in our efforts.

In some cases, the Ingwaz Rune may also suggest that we need to let go of old patterns or ideas that are holding us back in order to make room for new growth and development.

It may be a sign that it is time to shed old habits, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve us and to embrace new opportunities and experiences that will allow us to grow and evolve.

Overall, the divinatory meaning of the Ingwaz Rune is one of growth, potential, and transformation.

Whether we are embarking on a new journey or seeking to unlock our inner potential, the Ingwaz Rune reminds us that we have the power to create positive change in our lives and to embrace the endless possibilities that lie before us.

Symbolic Interpretation of Ingwaz Rune

The Ingwaz Rune has a rich and complex symbolic meaning in Norse mythology and magical practice.

The shape of the Ingwaz Rune is often described as a diamond shape with an x-shaped design in the center, and it is believed to represent the seed of new life, the idea of potential, and the power of transformation.

The diamond shape of the Ingwaz Rune is often seen as representing the feminine principle, as it is associated with the womb, the earth, and the idea of receptivity.

The x-shaped design in the center of the diamond, on the other hand, is seen as representing the masculine principle, as it is associated with the phallus, the sun, and the idea of creative energy.

Together, the diamond and x-shaped design of the Ingwaz Rune represent the union of opposites and the balance of energies that is necessary for growth and transformation to occur.

The symbol is also closely associated with the concept of harmony and balance, as it represents the balance between the inner and outer worlds and the idea that all things in nature are interconnected.

In addition to its associations with fertility, prosperity, and the cycles of nature, the Ingwaz Rune is also seen as a symbol of personal growth and transformation.

The seed-like shape of the rune suggests that within us lies the potential for new beginnings and personal evolution, and that with patience and nurturing, we can unlock our inner potential and grow into our fullest selves.

Ingwaz Rune in Modern Times

The Ingwaz Rune has continued to hold significant meaning and relevance in modern times, particularly within the fields of spirituality, personal growth, and self-improvement.

Many modern practitioners of rune magic and divination use the Ingwaz Rune as a tool for unlocking personal potential and promoting growth and transformation.

Through meditation, visualization, and other practices, individuals can use the rune to tap into their inner power and unlock their full potential, promoting personal growth and evolution.

The Ingwaz Rune has also been incorporated into various forms of modern symbolism and art, representing the idea of new beginnings, growth, and transformation.

It has been used in jewelry, tattoos, and other forms of art as a symbol of personal empowerment and transformation, as well as a reminder of the cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of all things.

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Beyond its spiritual and symbolic significance, the Ingwaz Rune has also found practical applications in fields such as agriculture, environmentalism, and sustainable development.

The rune’s associations with fertility, growth, and the cycles of nature have made it a powerful symbol for promoting sustainable and ecologically-friendly practices, highlighting the importance of balance and harmony in the natural world.

This Rune continues to hold significant meaning and relevance in modern times, serving as a reminder of the power of growth and transformation and the potential for personal evolution and self-improvement.

Whether used in spiritual practice, artistic expression, or practical application, the Ingwaz Rune remains a powerful symbol of balance, harmony, and growth that continues to inspire and empower people around the world.

Ritual and Spiritual Uses of Ingwaz Rune

Incorporating the Ingwaz Rune into meditation can be a powerful tool for promoting personal growth, transformation, and inner harmony.

Here are some steps you can follow to incorporate the Ingwaz Rune into your meditation practice:

  1. Set up a quiet and comfortable meditation space where you will not be disturbed.
  2. Find a physical representation of the Ingwaz Rune, such as a piece of jewelry or a small statue, and place it in front of you.
  3. Take several deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind.
  4. Focus your attention on the Ingwaz Rune, allowing your gaze to rest on its shape and colors. Notice any thoughts or emotions that arise as you do so.
  5. As you continue to gaze at the rune, allow yourself to enter a state of deep relaxation, letting go of any tension or stress in your body.
  6. Visualize the Ingwaz Rune as a seed within you, representing your own potential for growth and transformation.
  7. Imagine the seed of the Ingwaz Rune beginning to sprout and grow within you, sending roots deep into the earth and branches high into the sky.
  8. As you visualize the growth of the Ingwaz Rune within you, focus on your own inner growth and transformation, allowing yourself to embrace new beginnings and unlock your full potential.
  9. Take several deep breaths and allow yourself to come back to your body and your surroundings, feeling refreshed and empowered by your meditation practice.

Incorporating the Ingwaz Rune into meditation can be a powerful way to promote personal growth and transformation, while also connecting with the natural cycles of the earth and the interconnectedness of all things.

By using the Ingwaz Rune in this way, we can tap into our inner power and unlock our fullest potential, promoting greater harmony and balance in our lives and in the world around us.

Using Ingwaz Rune in Magical Practices

The Ingwaz Rune can be a powerful tool for those who practice magic and divination, helping to unlock personal potential and promote growth and transformation. Here are some ways you can use the Ingwaz Rune in your magical practices:

  1. Talisman: The Ingwaz Rune can be used as a talisman, either carried on your person or placed in a special location, to promote personal growth and transformation. You can make a talisman by drawing or carving the Ingwaz Rune onto a piece of wood, stone, or metal, and carrying it with you as a symbol of your inner potential.
  2. Meditation: As discussed earlier, the Ingwaz Rune can be incorporated into meditation practices to promote personal growth and transformation. By focusing on the symbol of the Ingwaz Rune, we can tap into our inner power and unlock our full potential.
  3. Spellwork: The Ingwaz Rune can be used in spellwork to promote growth, fertility, and transformation. For example, you might incorporate the Ingwaz Rune into a spell for new beginnings, personal growth, or creative inspiration. You could draw the Ingwaz Rune on a piece of paper or a candle, and focus your intention on the qualities of growth and transformation that it represents.
  4. Divination: The Ingwaz Rune can also be used in divination practices, such as rune casting or tarot readings. In these contexts, the Ingwaz Rune can represent new beginnings, growth, and transformation, helping to guide us towards the path of personal evolution and self-improvement.

The Ingwaz Rune can be a powerful tool for those who practice magic and divination, helping to unlock personal potential and promote growth and transformation.

By using the Ingwaz Rune in these ways, we can tap into our inner power and unlock our fullest potential, promoting greater harmony and balance in our lives and in the world around us.

mosaic of 4 different necklace styles

Connecting with the Deities Associated with Ingwaz Rune

The Ingwaz Rune is associated with several deities from Norse mythology, including Freyr, the god of fertility, prosperity, and abundance, and Nerthus, the goddess of the earth and fertility.

Here are some ways you can connect with these deities and incorporate them into your spiritual practice:

  • Offerings: One way to connect with the deities associated with the Ingwaz Rune is to make offerings of food, drink, or other gifts in their honor. For example, you might offer a piece of fruit or a grain-based dish to Freyr, or a bouquet of flowers to Nerthus, as a symbol of your respect and devotion.
  • Altar: You can also create an altar dedicated to the deities associated with the Ingwaz Rune, placing images or symbols of Freyr, Nerthus, or other related deities on the altar. You might also include offerings or other items that hold personal significance for you, such as crystals or herbs.
  • Rituals: Another way to connect with these deities is to incorporate them into your spiritual rituals and practices. For example, you might light a candle or incense in honor of Freyr or Nerthus during a meditation or spellwork session. You could also create a ritual dedicated to the Ingwaz Rune, focusing on its symbolism of growth and transformation.
  • Prayer: Finally, you can connect with these deities through prayer, either by reciting traditional Norse prayers or by speaking from the heart. You might ask for their guidance and protection, or simply express your gratitude for their presence in your life.

By connecting with the deities associated with the Ingwaz Rune, we can tap into the wisdom and power of these ancient gods and goddesses, finding greater clarity and direction on our own spiritual paths.

Whether through offerings, altars, rituals, or prayer, there are many ways to honor and connect with these divine beings and deepen our understanding of the symbolism and meaning of the Ingwaz Rune.

Ingwaz rune tattoo

Ingwaz rune tattoos are a popular design choice for individuals who want to express their connection with ancient Norse mythology and the symbolism of the runic alphabet.

The Ingwaz rune tattoo can have various meanings depending on the individual’s intention, but it is generally believed to represent inner strength, protection, and harmony.

The placement of the Ingwaz rune tattoo can also have significance.

Some individuals choose to place the tattoo on their wrists, forearms, or neck to symbolize the connection between the mind, body, and spirit.

ingwaz tattoo on wrist

Others may place the tattoo on their chest or back to represent the strength and protection of their inner being.

The size and design of the Ingwaz rune tattoo can also vary greatly, from a small, minimalist design to a larger, more intricate piece incorporating other Norse symbols.

Ingwaz rune tattoos can be designed in a variety of styles, each adding a unique touch to the symbolism of the rune.

For example, a blackwork style tattoo with bold lines and shading can create a striking and powerful design.

Alternatively, a watercolor style tattoo with softer lines and more fluid colors can create a more subtle and artistic representation of the Ingwaz rune.

In addition to style, there are other elements that can be incorporated into an Ingwaz rune tattoo to further enhance its symbolism.

For example, a tree or a plant may be added to the design to represent growth and fertility. A snake or dragon may be added to the design to represent transformation and protection.

Similarly, a knotwork pattern or a hammer of Thor may be added to represent strength and power.


After exploring the fascinating topic of the Ingwaz Rune, we cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the power and significance of this ancient symbol.

It’s amazing to think about how this simple, yet profound symbol has been used for centuries in spiritual practices and cultural traditions.

From its roots in Norse mythology to its uses in divination, meditation, and magic, the Ingwaz Rune offers us a rich and complex web of symbolism and meaning.

It reminds us of the importance of growth, transformation, and unlocking our fullest potential as human beings.

Whether we’re using the Ingwaz Rune in our own spiritual practices, or simply contemplating its meaning and significance, there’s no denying the power and wisdom that this symbol holds.

It offers us a path towards greater self-awareness, creativity, and transformation, and reminds us of the infinite possibilities that lie within each of us.

Overall, the Ingwaz Rune is a powerful symbol that has much to teach us about ourselves and the world around us.

It reminds us of the importance of growth, transformation, and unlocking our fullest potential, and offers us a path towards greater self-awareness and spiritual evolution.