
Brisingamen Necklace – Norse Mythology

Brisingamen NECKLACE

In the realm of Norse mythology, where gods and goddesses wield extraordinary artifacts, one stands out in its brilliance—the Brisingamen necklace. This captivating adornment belonged to Freya, the goddess of love, sexuality, and magic. Created by skilled dwarves, Brísingamen holds both mythical allure and symbolic significance.

Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the origins, legends, and powers surrounding this radiant necklace. From its association with Freya to its encounters with gods and mortals, Brísingamen weaves a tale that illuminates the captivating world of Norse mythology.


Etymology of Brisingamen and its possible meanings

The name “Brísingamen” holds intriguing linguistic possibilities. The suffix “amen” suggests a necklace or torc, while the prefix “brísingr” presents two interpretations. It could signify fire or amber, implying a necklace gleaming like the sun. Alternatively, it might refer to the Brísinga, a group of people not widely attested, leading to the interpretation of Brísingamen as the “necklace of the Brísinga.” Some theories propose that the dwarves who crafted the necklace belonged to this enigmatic tribe.

The role of Brísingamen in Norse Mythology

Brísingamen played a significant role in Norse mythology, particularly in association with Freya, the goddess of love, sexuality, and magic. The necklace seemed to be an integral part of Freya’s identity, rarely seen without it. Its presence is highlighted in various tales, including Thor’s disguise as Freya, where he must wear Brísingamen to deceive a giant. This suggests that the necklace symbolized the goddess’s power and allure.

Mention of the necklace in Germanic legends and Anglo-Saxon tradition

While Norse mythology primarily features Brísingamen, references to a similar necklace appear in other Germanic legends and Anglo-Saxon traditions. These allusions indicate the widespread recognition and significance of such a remarkable piece of jewelry in the broader cultural context of the Germanic peoples.

Brísingamen in the Song of Thrym and other Eddic poems

Brísingamen finds its place in the Old Norse poetic works known as Eddic poems. Notably, it is mentioned in the Song of Thrym, where Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, is stolen, and Freya’s necklace becomes a crucial bargaining chip in its recovery. This poem offers further insight into the mythical importance and value attached to Brísingamen.

Brísingamen in the Sörla þáttr and its evhemerist version

Another intriguing mention of Brísingamen occurs in the Sörla þáttr, a short saga featuring Freya and her necklace. This tale presents an evhemerist interpretation of Norse mythology, suggesting that the gods were once historical figures. Brísingamen’s presence in this story adds depth to the evolving narratives surrounding the necklace and its mythical origins.

Brísingamen in Ásatrú tradition and its representation during pagan fertility rites

Brísingamen continues to hold significance in modern Ásatrú traditions, which seek to revive Norse pagan practices. The necklace is often symbolically represented during fertility rites and celebrations, embodying the divine powers associated with Freya and the themes of love, sexuality, and magic.


Brísingamen: The Necklace of Freya

Brísingamen, the legendary necklace of Freya, shines brilliantly in radiant gold. This exquisite piece of jewelry was crafted by the skilled hands of dwarves, renowned as the master craftsmen of the Norse cosmos. Its intricate design and craftsmanship make it a remarkable treasure among the many mythical objects in Norse mythology.

freya wearing the brisingamen necklace

Freya wearing the brisingamen necklace

Brísingamen holds deep significance as an integral part of Freya’s identity. As the goddess of love, sexuality, and magic in the Norse pantheon, Freya is rarely depicted without the radiant necklace. It is a defining characteristic that represents her divine powers and allure. Brísingamen symbolizes the enchanting essence of Freya, highlighting her connection to desire, passion, and the mysteries of the cosmos.

In the tale of Thor’s deception of a giant, Brísingamen plays a pivotal role. Thor, known for his strength and thunderous hammer, Mjölnir, disguises himself as Freya to retrieve his stolen weapon. As part of the disguise, Thor dons the shimmering Brísingamen, underscoring its significance as an unmistakable symbol of Freya’s divine presence. This event showcases the power of the necklace and its association with the goddess’s identity and authority.

The Origins and Acquisition of Brísingamen

The enthralling tale of Brísingamen’s origins unfolds within the pages of the Saga of Olaf Tryggavason, revealing the depths of desire and the interplay of gods and mortals.

It is in this saga that we encounter Freya, the radiant goddess of love, captivated by the allure of the forge belonging to four masterful dwarves: Dvalinn, Alfrik, Berling, and Grer.

Freya in the dwarfs' cave

Amidst the flickering flames and the rhythmic symphony of their craftsmanship, something extraordinary takes shape—the creation of a necklace that transcends mere beauty.

Brísingamen, its golden brilliance unmatched, exudes an otherworldly aura that beckons Freya with an irresistible pull. Her yearning for the necklace becomes insatiable, compelling her to offer the dwarves silver and gold in a bid to possess it.

Yet, the crafty artisans, driven by their own motivations, refuse her entreaties. Instead, they propose an enigmatic pact—a night spent with each of them in exchange for the coveted treasure.

Entranced by desire, Freya acquiesces, immersing herself in a series of nocturnal encounters. Meanwhile, the shrewd Loki, ever vigilant and quick-witted, spies upon her liaisons and hastens back to Odin, the wise and powerful king of the gods, to reveal her actions.

Odin, incensed by Freya’s perceived indiscretions, summons Loki and assigns him a perilous task: to stealthily acquire Brísingamen from the slumbering goddess. Thus, Loki transforms himself into a tiny fly, infiltrating Freya’s chamber under cover of darkness.

Loki stealing freya goddess necklace

Loki stealing Freya’s Brisingamen Necklace

Yet, his thieving endeavors are hindered by an unforeseen obstacle—Freya’s slumbering position, lying on her back, preventing easy access to the necklace’s clasp. Undeterred, Loki seizes a cunning opportunity and bites her, causing her to stir and shift position in her sleep.

This act of deception mirrors a previous episode involving Loki, who, in his mischievous nature, transformed into a fly to sabotage the work of two dwarven craftsmen.

With Freya now momentarily stirred from her slumber, Loki seizes the moment and absconds with Brísingamen, leaving the goddess bereft upon waking. Aware of the theft, Freya’s divine intuition swiftly reveals Loki’s involvement, leading her to confront Odin, her rage unabated.

In their ensuing confrontation, Odin reveals his conditions for the return of Brísingamen—a curse to befall two kings, who shall wage an unending battle until their eventual demise at the hands of christened men.

Freya, driven by her love for the necklace and perhaps influenced by her role as the goddess of magic, acquiesces to Odin’s demands, setting in motion a relentless cycle of conflict and redemption entwined with the fate of Brísingamen.

Interpretations and Symbolism of Brísingamen

Within the rich tapestry of Norse mythology, the accusation of promiscuity against Freya stands as a curious facet. It is important to consider the influence of Christian authors in shaping this narrative, as their condemnation of the old religion often sought to besmirch the names of pagan deities.

While Freya was revered by her worshippers as a goddess of love and sexuality, it is crucial to approach such portrayals with a critical eye and an understanding of the historical context.

Delving into the essence of Brísingamen, its significance extends beyond its captivating beauty. Though never explicitly attributed with magical powers, it is worth noting that the creations of the dwarves often possessed extraordinary qualities.

Hence, it is highly probable that Brísingamen also held some form of special power, augmenting the irresistible allure of its wearer. Perhaps it bestowed upon Freya an enchanting aura or enhanced her inherent charisma. Such conjecture invites us to ponder the true nature of this magnificent necklace and its place within the realm of Norse mythology.

Drawing from the realm of archaeology, intriguing connections emerge between Brísingamen and the practice of Seidr magic, for which Freya was renowned.

Unearthing the burial site of a Volva, a female practitioner of Seidr magic, revealed a silver pendant depicting a woman adorned with a broad necklace—a potential representation of Freya in her role as a Seidr sorceress.

The Swedish History Museum, Stockholm from Sweden - silver Pendant

 The Silver Pendant found in the burial site of a Volva

This discovery hints at a possible association between Brísingamen and the mystical arts, suggesting that the necklace may have played a role in amplifying or channeling Freya’s magical abilities. Further exploration of such archaeological evidence can shed light on the intricate relationship between Brísingamen and the realm of Seidr magic.


The Brísingamen necklace emerges as a captivating symbol of craftsmanship, power, and enchantment. This shimmering golden adornment, meticulously crafted by skilled dwarves, became an inseparable part of Freya, the goddess of love, sexuality, and magic.

Brísingamen, with its diverse interpretations, suggests a radiant sun-like quality or a connection to the enigmatic Brísinga tribe. Serving as a defining accessory, the necklace enhanced Freya’s allure and presence.

Legends of Brísingamen involve intriguing narratives of theft, retrieval, and the interplay of Christian influences on Freya’s character.

Beyond its physical beauty, the necklace hints at the potential for magical powers, resonating with the dwarves’ creations and their association with Seidr magic.

Archaeological evidence further links Brísingamen to ancient sorcery, adding a captivating layer of mystique. Ultimately, the Brísingamen necklace stands as a potent emblem within Norse mythology, offering profound insights into the intricacies of Norse culture, spirituality, and the divine realm.

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